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PC Gaming

ESO -- Elder Scrolls Online

ESO is a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game. It's like World of Warcraft (WoW) or Guild Wars 2. Below is a beginner's guide that provides an overview of the game.

The good thing about ESO is the massive community support for add-ons. is one place where you can find a multitude of add-ons to make playing ESO easier.

The official web site for the game is at

I once played WoW, but opted to go with Guild Wars 2 next. Later on I opted to go with ESO because I love Skyrim - Elder Scrolls V, and although Guild Wars 2 is a pretty good game with no recurring monthly costs, ESO beat them in gameplay and matched them in terms of not having to subscribe to play. You can subscribe if you wish, and you will get a ton of benefits, but it is not required.

As new chapters and DLCs (downloadable contents) become available, those become available at an additional cost, but you can own them for as long as ESO is around with no monthly costs. The subscribers will get those DLCs at no cost and will get game currency monthly as well to purchase game items and such.

When WoW classic came back, I relooked at going back to that, but the monthly subscription requirement just keeps turning me off. So I stay with ESO, since I pay when I feel that the content being offered is worth it.

Here's my main character in ESO:


If you like martial arts type PC gaming, this is for you.


Squad is a military FPS simulator that focuses on squad mechanics. For solo players, it is not. It encourages communication and coordination. The teams that are cohesive will generally win. Below is a playlist on Youtube that provides the basics of Squad.